Internet III
Do we consider everything seen on the internet real? If not (or not entirely), did we ever search for its credibility? At least, I didn’t.

The internet is not so much different from the media, I suppose. Because of the presence of all that content and the way information is manipulated by some “manipulators”, the internet as well as the media is the place where the “pure reality” is coloured. One example can be that facts are presented selectively. Not all of what happens are publicised, only what seem to be the issue are.
So, where are we living at this point? Are we living the true reality? What is the true reality anyway? And the most important of all, WHO defines it? In search of definitions that are pure and naked from colourings, are we sure that we ourselves are not colouring them?
Of course, no answers.
1 comment:
good content, comecialise it
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