History II
Parallel History
Termed right at this moment by the Dibrinian concept, PARALLEL HISTORY is the two stories about the same event with different angles which can be totally opposite to each other.

The Parallel History is a good demonstration of interpretations, judgements, and prejudice involving in writing stories. This proves once again that history isn’t any more credible than those we have heard of.
Another angle that Dibrini would like to think about the Parallel History is that when a story is a “history” to one group of people, it might be only a rumour or even a false story to other group of people.
The world has its own history, the story of human races and animals and cultures and civilisations. On the other hand, human see the story about aliens and lives outside the planet earth as something that still has to be proved true. They might not see it this way (if there is a “they” out there”). Everything that has been written about those outside the earth can best be only “a fiction” or a little better “a science-fiction”—it can never be a history.

Do human know that their history, the story about themselves, can only be a Parallel History for “the others”?
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