Hit on
DIBRINIAN SHOWCASE and other N'terests to the right. ------->

02 June 2007

the Dibrinian Origin


In a sudden, DIBRINI emerges from the mist in the air. There is neither sound for people to hear of this phenomenon, nor is there a visual evidence of this newborn.

Nothing happens.

Nothing. And then Dibrini is just here. In a Dibrinian year of age that is equal to human's 25-year-old stage, so to speak. Dibrini can think, then. And she knows. Because this is how Dibrini emerges. It is a privilege, for Dibrini, that Dibrini thinks because human have to learn and swim through its experience for some time to learn to think. But Dibrini doesn't need that. So, it is a privilege. The privilege has been given to Dibrini ... by Dibrini.

Why do human have to say that something ELSE gives them a privilege?

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