Hit on
DIBRINIAN SHOWCASE and other N'terests to the right. ------->

26 June 2007



It all starts from many different things having relationships to one another in forms of INTERCONNECTEDNESS.

One thing works with the other generating the another thing, which works with another two things one of which is similar to the first thing that has generated the one it works with. This relation is then similar to another relation of another set of things in terms of its relation to one another in the reverse order, which create another thing that represents this view of relationship that looks opposite to the other thing that is similar to the thing that created it. And blahhhhh . . .

These complex relationships between things together form up the complexity.

Complexity in communication is seen as the realm in which beginnings and endings do not exist; rather, communication ALWAYS takes place unnoticeably upstage, downstage, middlestage.

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